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EXHIBITION "The feet in the dish of the Savoyard cuisine"

EXHIBITION "The feet in the dish of the Savoyard cuisine"
  • EXHIBITION "The feet in the dish of the Savoyard cuisine"

Is the Savoyard cuisine reduced to fondue and tartiflette? Far from the tourist clichés, this exhibition attempts to answer this question ...


Visitors travel through the culinary practices of Savoy from yesterday to today, discovering the social and geographical developments that have given this specific character to Savoy cuisine.


Free of charge.

Opening period

From 21/10 to 01/11/2024
Opening hours daily between 10 am and 12.30 pm and between 4 pm and 7 pm.
Closed Saturday and Sunday.

Languages spoken

  • French



Pets allowed : No

lundi 21 octobre 2024 à 10h00
EXHIBITION "The feet in the dish of the Savoyard cuisine"
Centre Culturel Place de l'Ambiance 74300 Les Carroz-d'Arâches