Hiking itinerary: Grande Traversée des Alpes - GR 5 - Stage: Samoëns - Chalet d'Anterne

This hike is on the famous "Grande Traversée des Alpes". It permises to discover different landscapes, enjoy breathtaking views.
On the GR®5 route, the mythical "Grande Traversée des Alpes" invites you to hike on the alpine part of one of the most fabulous hiking trails in the world!
Start walking on the shores of Lake Leman and finish 620 km further (3 to 4 weeks walk) on the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea ... There is no doubt that the Grande Traversée des Alpes is An unforgettable hike !
Itinerary for guidance only.
Complément accueil
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Distance 15km
Difficulté Difficile
Type d'itinéraire Aller simple
Dénivelé positif 1100m
Dénivelé négatif 90m
Durée 06h30
Itinéraire balisé Yes
Altitude maximum 1810m
Opening period
From 15/06 to 22/09.
Subject to favorable weather.