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4 season rail toboggan

© 4 season rail toboggan - Millo Photos
  • © 4 season rail toboggan - @Sylvain Cochard
  • © 4 season rail toboggan - @Sylvain Cochard

Day or night, thrill-seekers, get on the rails of the brand new 4-season track sled from Les Carroz.
Try the virtual reality experience to live an even more unforgettable sliding experience (optional).


Alone or in a duo, prepare for a great adrenaline rush between successive banked turns, variations in altitude and speed.

Accessible from 4 years old (and minimum 1.05m) accompanied by a person of minimum 9 years old (and minimum 1.40m), alone from 9 years old (and minimum 1.40m) alone or with 2 on the sledge *
* be careful, there must be 2 people on the sled for the passenger to use the Virtual Reality mask

Descent embellished with banked turns, "whoops" and "flip flap";
route close to the ground (0.80 to 1m) in a wooded environment for more sensations of speed. One of the most engaged tracks of the sledges on rails of the Alpine massif, even the most engaged! Allow around 4 minutes per tour (up and down) 350m rise / 850m descent.

Photo Luge
Get flashed during your descent and collect your photo at the terminal.

Complément accueil

  • Durée de la séance : 5 min

  • Age minimum : 4 ans


  • Mountain location
  • Isolated


One price: from 7.50 €.

Payment methods

  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Travellers Cheque
  • Cash

Opening period

From 21/12/2024 to 13/04/2025, daily between 3 pm and 6 pm.

Subject to favorable weather.

Ouverture complémentaire

  • Subject to favorable weather

Languages spoken

  • English
  • French



Pets allowed : No

4 season rail toboggan
Route de la Télécabine 74300 Les Carroz-d'Arâches